Academy of Management Journal
₱ 45,790

The Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) is ranked among the top five most influential and frequently..

Academy of Management Learning and Education
₱ 34,820

Academy of Management Learning and Education is the fourth and most recent journal sponsored by the ..

Academy of Management Perspectives
₱ 34,820

The Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) publishes articles and symposia that address important ..

Academy of Management Review
₱ 45,790

The Academy of Management Review (AMR) is ranked among the top ten most influential and frequently c..

Accounting Horizons
₱ 57,710

Accounting Horizons, a journal of the American Accounting Association, is a publication providing ne..

Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation
₱ 27,240

Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (APJMRI) is a quarterly double-blind, pee..

Foreign Service Journal
Harvard Business Review
₱ 17,470

Invest in yourself – drive change, innovate for growth, lead smarter - from the best and the brighte..

Journal of Managerial Issues
₱ 20,200

The purpose of the Journal of Managerial Issues is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge dir..

Management Science
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Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
MIT Sloan Management Review
Operations Research
₱ 58,760

Operations Research aims to publish high-quality papers that represent the true breadth of the metho..

Public Management Review
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Public Management Review seeks to: -explore the developing field of public management -embrace resea..

Quality Management Journal
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Quality Management Journal (QMJ) is the first journal to link the efforts of academic researchers an..

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