Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
₱ 20,220

 International journal dedicated to addressing the physical activity concerns for special ..

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
₱ 27,700

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal produced by the Ameri..

American Journal of Education
₱ 43,370

The American Journal of Education seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, an..

American Journal of Mathematics
₱ 56,880

The oldest mathematics journal in continuous publication in the Western Hemisphere, American Journal..

American Journal of Play
₱ 12,800

The American Journal of Play is a forum for discussing the history, culture, and psychology of play...

American Literary Realism
₱ 11,110

For over forty years, American Literary Realism has brought readers critical essays on American lite..

American Mathematical Monthly
Call for Price

The American Mathematical Monthly publishes articles, notes, and other features about mathematics an..

American Philosophical Quarterly
₱ 46,500

The American Philosophical Quarterly (APQ) has established itself as one of the principal English ve..

Applied Measurement in Education
Call for Price

Applied Measurement in Education's prime objective is to improve communication between academician..

₱ 15,000


Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Call for Price

Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal is acknowledged..

Asian Journal of Mathematics
ASK (for ages 6 - 9)
₱ 9,120

ASK magazine helps kids understand how the world works, while challenging them to explore new ideas!..

Athletic Therapy Today
₱ 6,470


Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture
₱ 3,270

Azalea promotes Korean literature among English-language readers. The first volume includes works of..

Showing 1 to 15 of 168 (12 Pages)