American Journal of Criminal Law
₱ 4,550

The American Journal of Criminal Law strives to promote and encourage improvement in the administrat..

Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners Journal
₱ 17,100

The AFTE Journal is the official publication of the Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners. T..

Blue Line Magazine: Canada National Law Enforcement
₱ 11,670

Blue Line Magazine - As Canada's only independent law enforcement magazine, it has no leaning toward..

Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
₱ 15,930

The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice publishes quarterly coverage of the theoret..

Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal
₱ 46,400

The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal is published quarterly and is devoted to the public..

Federal Sentencing Reporter
Call for Price

Federal Sentencing Reporter explores in detail the complex sector of sentencing law, practice and th..

Jail and Prisoner Law Bulletin
₱ 24,590

A civil liability law publication for officers, jails, detention centers and prisons...

Journal of California Law Enforcement
₱ 7,200

Journal of California Law Enforcement.  If you would like to stay informed about current issues..

Journal of Correctional Education
₱ 30,050

Journal of Correctional Education is a trade publication providing coverage and analysis of educatio..

Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
₱ 9,590

Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology is a student-run publication at Northwestern University Sc..

Law and Order
₱ 9,600

Law and Order is a USA magazine covering Law Enforcement.Law and Order Magazine provides information..

Law Enforcement Legal Review
₱ 13,000

Each issue of the Law Enforcement Legal Review is researched and written to be totally up-to-date. T..

Law Officer's Bulletin
₱ 22,290

This work summarizes recent decisions from local, state, and federal courts that affect law enforcem..

New Criminal Law Review
₱ 25,070

Focused on examinations of crime and punishment in domestic, transnational, and international contex..

Outpost Magazine
₱ 4,000

Since its debut in March 1996, Outpost has defied the conventions that typify other travel magazines..

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