Philippine Population Review - Delayed Publication
  • Philippine Population Review - Delayed Publication

Philippine Population Review - Delayed Publication


  • - Product Code: 1 issue per year
  • - Availability: In Stock
₱ 1,000

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The Philippine Population Review (PPR) is the official journal of the Philippine Population Association. A peer-reviewed journal, PPR is listed in the Philippines Journal Online and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

PPR seeks to strengthen the evidence-based discourse of population issues confronting the national, international and global communities. It provides a forum for the conceptual, methodological and empirical quantitative and qualitative analyses of the events of human population – fertility, mortality, morbidity and migration – including their movements, interrelationships, complexities, consequences and impact. Its scientific information base is expected to help improve population and population-related policies, programs, teaching and research, towards enhancing the quality of life and well being of all.

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